Saturday, May 23, 2020

General Tips for Newcomers

Welcome to the Newcomers and Visitors to Canada Network!

This network was developed with the understanding that many newcomers to Canada are looking for resources about things to do and see, as well as services they can access to help them get set up when they arrive. This network focuses mainly on the Greater Edmonton Area, as well as providing more general tips for newcomers to Canada.

Within this network, you will find a number of blog posts about language resources, community resources, immigration services and many more. There are also posts about Edmonton’s festivals and places to visit in and around the Edmonton area. For post-secondary students studying in Edmonton we have some general tips about settling in somewhere far away from home and making the best of your experience. It is not a complete list of resources available to newcomers in the Edmonton area, but we hope that what is available is helpful and will make settling in a new country a little bit easier.

If you have experiences to share or resources that you would like to add to the network, please get in contact with the FACTSnet team to become involved. If you are a newcomer to the Edmonton area and have further questions please feel free to contact us and we can help you to find the information you need.

Tips 1 to 4
1. Have an Open Mind
  • In a new country things are going to be very different. You must be ready to try new things. It is useful to try to understand why people do things differently and what different values they have.
2. Look for Familiar Items
  • Sometimes its nice to eat familiar food or read a book in your own language. Look for places that sell products similar to your home country and meet people that speak your language. This will help you get over the culture shock.
3. Get Outside
  • It might be difficult to leave your home but try to get out once a week to meet people, exercise and learn about the language and culture. Maybe try joining a sports team or just go to the mall.
4. Have Emergency Money
  • You don't know when something unexpected will happen. Try to have a small emergency fund in case you run into expenses you didn't plan for.

Article Info
Information from: McMillan, Kathleen and Johnathan Weyers, Study Skills for international Students, Harlow, England: Pearson Education Limited, 2011.

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General Tips for Newcomers

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